WFH with époque founders Nancy and Hannah


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work from anywhere

we know the new norm is anything but normal, but we work remote most of the time with our team. here are some things that have kept us sane & productive while running our business


over the coming weeks we will be introducing you to the wonderful women who help make it happen 

from their living rooms and kitchens all around the USA


Nancy Taylor

CO-founder and CEO of époque évolution

avid cyclist, salad genius

and shoe whisperer

what’s life like for you right now?

“both of my sons returned home from university, and our house is full. it’s hard to concentrate and have the same working hours at home as from the office. we are all finding our nooks that give us the space for continuing our work, studies, Zoom calls. it's taken a few weeks, but it seems to be flowing better.i am less productive. but I'm feeling better about this. i think there is a gift in all of this to just slow down. enjoy the pace, enjoy my family and my very full house. i’m cooking great dinners, we're all home. no one is rushing out or coming home late from a long day of work. there is a beauty in this. our conversations are richer. today's topics are on the pandemic, how was your zoom class, how are you working through rerouting the company?”


what has changed most in your normal day to day?

“i’ve always been a morning person, so i still wake up early. it's my time and space that i create alone. it gives me time to pull my thoughts and creativity together. but now i’ve shifted my mornings to my yoga mat. almost the entire morning is spent on my mat: coffee and stretching, browsing through my emails. then i try to stream a class. my yoga studio went virtual two weeks ago and offers some very heartfelt classes, it helps me to feel connected to my community.otherwise: i’m trying to keep my routine. i’m trying to shower every day. (no, really!) when shelter in place first started, i think i went three days without a shower. then i needed to get real; it makes me feel more normal and put together. now the video on my Zoom is turned back on.”


what are you wearing every day?

“orion legging II on repeat! i get up, work out, and work. i start with the one crop top, and then layer one of the sweater tee boatnecks over it all for the day. it's comfortable but if i go out to the grocery store, i still feel chic. i’m still riding my bike, still able to get outside: the orion legging works for that too!”


how do you take care of yourself amidst all this?

“it is a scary time for us as a company. i hope we can survive and be viable on the other side. but the best we can do is try, show up every day. support each other, be kinder and hope there is a new world that works together on the other side. my self care is to not stress about what i can't control, but to show up every day and think, how are we going to get through all of this together? in a world that is forced into social distancing, how can we all stay connected, still working as a team / family / friend / neighbor? i’m working on showing up, coming from love and kindness. it's my form of self care.”


Hannah franco

CO-founder and CCO of époque évolution

dedicated yogini, cocktail enthusiast

and maker of bad jokes

where are you working?

“i’ve tried it all. the living room, the kitchen (all the coffee is there!) and, my worst habit, from bed. it's just that i made my bedroom so zen that it's hard to leave! i really enjoy working from home though; there is something so rich in having the headspace to think without distractions. i realize for folks with kids that's not always available. i do encourage all of us to draw inspiration from the space that we are given right now, to reflect and focus on what is critical, what is necessary — and what is truly meaningful.”


thing you do to ensure a productive day?

“i need a slightly overboard morning routine these days. in my past life, i would hurl myself out of bed and to a favorite class (normally x core), but now it's all about creating that slow arrival. the time i typically use for commuting i now spend on a tasty breakfast of eggs and rainbow chard, a delightful skincare routine with my favorite eco brand paradox, more than my normal meditation on headspace and some home yoga. it helps that I'm a teacher. :)”


what are you wearing?

“the one two dress. it's crazy comfortable and still gives me that feeling of yes, i did really get dressed today and i do feel focused and like a boss. there is something about treating myself well and feeling put together that has always been important for me when it comes to working remotely effectively — and in this situation, that is more important than ever.”


...and when “the workday” is over?

“i’m currently watching all the documentaries on artists and designers that inspire me. Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present (2012). Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures. Manolo: the Boy Who Made Shoes for Lizards. Exit Through the Gift Shop. and reading True Meditation by adyashanti.”


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