The Laundress founders

Gwen Whiting and Lindsey Boyd

new york, new york

Photo from

like most nyc-based stories, it began with a sixth-floor walkup and no washing machine.

but while lots of new yorkers might call this a way of life, the intrepid female founders of The Laundress, an eco-friendly line of detergent, fabric care, and home cleaning products, called this a challenge. a challenge they not only accepted, but frankly, smashed. we fired off some burning questions at the duo and they graciously answered; we can’t wait for you to get to know them and meet them in person at our upcoming event in NYC 


how did The Laundress dream begin?

Gwen Whiting (GW): “it began with all my laundry struggles while working at Ralph Lauren and living in a 6th floor walk-up with no washing machines, no products for my cashmere, delicates, jeans and not wanting to dry clean. also? i studied apparel design and textile science at Cornell, and i knew that all these fabrics were washable, but there weren’t any products to use. so, always inspired to create solutions for my own problems, i decided to make my own!

Lindsey Boyd (LB): “being passionate about caring for my own wardrobe lead to us developing a line that others would love as well. i am inspired by people, diverse cultures, travel, and my family.” 


what was it like in the beginning?

LB: “in the days when we still had our day jobs, i would pitch The Laundress on my lunch hour from Chanel. i would head over to Bergdorf Goodman, which was down the block from our office, and pitch the beauty buyer and then head back to Chanel. Those are the things that you have to do to get your business off the ground and in the end, it's all worth it.”


and what does it look like now?

GW: “my day is nonstop—i run from bed to the gym to work and then continue running to some event after work, connecting with my husband, and preparing for the next day and my evening routine. this is when self care becomes so important—to slow down and take a time out.”

LB: “i always start my morning early, whether it’s taking the kids to school or getting a workout class in. after, i get ready for the workday and head into the office with smoothie and coffee in hand. from then on it’s all work, work, work. in the evening, i start getting ready for bed when i put my kids to sleep, which is around 7 or 7:30 p.m. i wash my face and brush my teeth with them every night—this is key in case i doze off. then they go into their rooms and pick out a book we’ll read together.” 


with such a busy schedule, how do you unwind?

GW: “when i am not travelling, i am enjoying down time at my house in Bridgehampton and catching up on my reading.”

LB: “by spending as much time with my kids and husband as possible, especially while my children are at the age where they still think their parents are their heroes! se are a very active family: we love biking, skateboarding, swimming, skiing and everything in-between. we love to travel together and explore new experiences together.” 


tell us about your last trip.

GW: “this summer i went to Corsica and Sardinia. so many highlights, but my first fliteboard ride was the clincher. i also always find unique items to bring home to continue to enjoy, like the Corsican coffee from this trip and the Sardinian flatbread.” 

LB: “our most recent trip this summer in Tuscany was dreamy—we did everything from touring the ancient city of Siena to the Boboli Gardens and of course the rolling hills, vineyards, pizza making and wine tasting. seeing Europe through the eyes of young children is a lot of fun for me. i traveled a lot prior to starting a family and it’s a completely new experience with them. i just love it. also: we never check our bags. my husband’s company, Luggage Free, keeps us hands-free during our trips (only the necessities in hand).” 


last book you read?

GW: “i power read on my vacations; i loved Ruth Reichl’s “Save Me The Plums,” and of course, since i was in Italy, i knocked off the third of the “Neopolitan Quartet” series.”

LB: “Three Women,” by Lisa Taddeo. it was a fascinating read about the complexity of human desire.” 


guilty pleasure?

GW: “wine!” 

LB: “chocolate chip cookies – soft in the middle with crispy edges.”


cause closest to your heart?

GW: “supporting young entrepreneurs.” 

LB: “Cookies for Cancer and God’s Love We Deliver.”


life motto?

 GW: “plan ahead.” 

LB: “trust your instincts.”



we are thrilled to announce a partnership with The Laundress

as true believers in easy (and eco) care we are a little more than obsessed with the with non-toxic, biodegradable, and allergen-free natural ingredients The Laundress uses.just one drop of the unscented Stain Solution effectively removes stubborn stains - so you can eat all the pasta in Italy. spray items in need of a refresh with Fabric Fresh, so you can enjoy your trip and go even longer between launderings. the crease release spray: great for smoothing garments on the go. 


we are launching our Instagram giveaway TODAY!